About Us

成立於1988 年的明德合唱團迄今已經三十六年。明德合唱團三十六年來從一個明德中文學校提供家長休閒活動的團體,發展至今,由來自大費城一帶喜愛合唱的同好聚集一堂,以歌傳情會友,以成果獻給社區。歷年來在指揮、團長和團員們齊心合力、辛勤耕耘下,茁壯成長。明德合唱團曾多次舉辦演唱會,並在「大費城明德文教協會」的社區服務活動中扮演了不可或缺的角色,於安老院、園遊會和多元文化節慶中演出;也曾與新澤西州的「華聲合唱團」、德拉瓦州的「知音合唱團」多次同台合作;並於1995 年在紐約參加抗戰勝利五十週年音樂會,同年積極參與並組織「費城華埠一百二十五週年紀念音樂會」;2009 年部分團員參演了在費城天普大學「全球化音樂會」的黃河大合唱和2013 年四月在西徹斯特受邀參加「馬思聰百年誕辰紀念音樂會」;同年,我們還舉辦了大型的明德二十五週年紀念音樂會,給團員留下難忘和珍贵的回忆。

明德合唱團的宗旨是以音樂美化人生,進而豐富華人社區合唱活動、走入主流社會。目前由張如菁執棒指揮,李琨擔任鋼琴伴奏。近年來合唱內容更趨向多元化,除了中國藝術歌曲、民歌和通俗歌曲外,並添加西方宗教、藝術和流行曲目及百老匯歌劇集錦,於大費城一帶安老中心、教會、中文學校等不同場合演出,均得到熱烈的回響。我們希望以歌會友,更歡迎同好加入。有興趣的朋友請聯繫張賢菊,電子郵件地址: melinaxzhang@gmail.com.

Ming-De Chorus was established in 1988 under the auspices of Main Line Chinese School (currently Ming-De Main Line Chinese School and Ding Hao Mainline Chinese School). This year marks its 36th anniversary. Over the years and under the tutelage of a number of conductors, Ming-De Chorus has frequently performed in choral concerts and participated in community service events, multicultural festivals and numerous Chinese New Year celebrations. Additionally, in 1995, along with other Chinese choruses from the East Coast, Ming-De Chorus performed in a concert in New York City commemorating the 50th anniversary of victory of War of Resistance against Japan. The same year, the Chorus participated in a joint concert celebrating the 125th anniversary of Philadelphia’s Chinatown. In 2009, chorus members took part in Temple University’s Celebration of

Globalization Concert and in year 2013, Ming-De Chorus was invited to perform at “Ma Sicong Centennial Celebration Concert” at West Chester University.

The missions of Ming-De Chorus are not only to preserve Chinese musical tradition and to enrich cultural and social activities for local Chinese communities, but also to promote better understanding between Chinese and other ethnic groups in the community. Under the guidance of current Conductor Rujing Chang, accompanist Stephen Li, Ming-De Chorus now has an even more diversified repertoire including Western religious pieces, pop songs and Broadway classics

along with Chinese choral music. We welcome singers who love choral music to join us. We also appreciate your donations and sponsorship. Please contact Melina Zhang at melinaxzhang@gmail.com for more details.

Mingde Chorus Management Team

President: Melina Zhang    Vice President: Xiaoming Yu    Accountant: Zhen Huang    General Affairs: Wenping Bo